We would like to wish all of our customers a Very Merry Christmas.
We are now closed for our Christmas shut down and will process all orders upon our return on the 3rd January.


COMMITMENT – We will show 100% commitment to our Vision and Core values at all times whilst ensuring this commitment is recognised by all that interact with us safeguarding our future success.

PEOPLE – The welfare of the people within our team, people that work for our customers and suppliers and everyone that enters our lives are of paramount importance to us. We will show them respect, loyalty and understanding whilst promoting a family friendly environment and encouraging them to grow.

INTEGRITY – Our practices will be both ethical and honest at all times. Our intention will be to deliver against the promises that we make and in the event that this is not possible we will communicate this honestly and clearly at the first opportunity.

EXCELLENCE – Utilising our technical expertise we will set the benchmark for products and services ensuring that they are of the highest quality and available to all.

COMMUNICATION – Our communications will be consistent, timely and meaningful with a clarity that will ensure a full and comprehensive understanding.

RESPONSIBILITY – We will take full ownership and accountability for our actions and any consequences arising from them. We will be dependable and strong and never shy away from our responsibilities.

TEAMWORK – We will embrace togetherness, cooperation, passion and pride to ensure that we truly are a team. We will focus on our team goals and celebrate our success together.

AMBITION – Our drive and determination will ensure that we continue to raise the bar to achieve our goals and grow both as people and a business.

IMPROVEMENT – Continually monitoring our performance we will improve our systems, processes and efficiencies through measurement, training and education.

INNOVATIVE – Our open mindedness, creativity and flexible approach will enable us to be fluid and adaptable when searching for new techniques and solutions.

GRATITUDE – We will be appreciative yet humble when recognising our achievements and ensuring that our successes are celebrated and shared by all.

CONSIDERATE – We will show consideration to the needs and requirements of people and our environment, our legacy will be responsible and considerate.