We would like to wish all of our customers a Very Merry Christmas.
We are now closed for our Christmas shut down and will process all orders upon our return on the 3rd January.

Rain Coming Down Flue Case Study by Up The Flue


We created a rain test video because we wanted to give everyone a visual. A look into how our Mini Eurocowl helped to prevent rain coming down the flue. We wanted to mimick the rain and as a result of this, aimed water at the chimney cowl from a variety of angles. The video below contains the results.

We didn’t imagine this would be the birth of a technique to resolve issues.

This is where Matt from Up The Flue in Yorkshire comes in.

The case….

His customer was saying they had water coming in. The chimney had a Mini Eurocowl attached to a twin wall flue system.  Having seen the video and getting a report of “rain coming down flue”, Matt knew he had to investigate further.

He sent a team of two to the property and performed a test of his own. Armed with a hosepipe the two men were on a mission to get this chimney cowl problem resolved.

One man spent two hours squirting water from every different angle imaginable over the cowl and flue. The other was stationed inside looking to see the entry point. After the rigorous test nothing was showing least of all any “rain” coming down the flue. The team eventually found the fault to be the flashing!

After resolving his customers chimney problem, Matt told his account manager David;

“Nothing came down the flue! The Minicowl did a fantastic job under extreme conditions and it was eventually found to be the flashing that had a fault.”

He also added

“We recommend the Minicowl as it is so well designed and built, we trust it to do a great job under all weather conditions.”

Eurocowl would like to Thank Matt and his team from Up The Flue for giving us this information and permission to share it with you all.

Mini Eurocowl Trade Poster